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NewsRob October Release / 4.4
Rich Article List
The new version now sports a richer article list.
If possible it contains a snippet of the article and a thumbnail of a significant image from the article.
Snippets will be prepared during the import of new articles. So if you want to see this new feature in full action right away you should do a Clear Cache / Sync.
Obeying Global Auto-Sync Setting
When NewsRob is configured to automatically sync in the background it already obeys the global, system wide, background data setting. With this version NewsRob will also obey the global auto-sync setting.
You can now conveniently turn off all automatic syncing (Gmail, Facebook, NewsRob ...) in one place.
It might be confusing that now syncing can be turned off in more than one place. To prevent this confusion NewsRob will now warn you when auto-sync has been disabled globally, but is enabled in NewsRob.
For the programmers amongst you: When turning the global auto-sync setting back on I would like NewsRob to check if the last sync is longer ago then the configured interval. If that is the case it should run a sync right away.
However I don't know how to get notified when the auto-sync status changes and so I can't implement it at the moment. If you do know, please leave a comment or come to the list: http://bit.ly/nr_list.
As always, many more small improvements and fixes are in this release. Here are two of those, that may affect you directly or where many people wrote me about:
Accidental Swipes
To prevent accidental swipes, e.g. left-to-right to mark an article read on the article list, swipes must be now more explicit. This means that the direction of the swipe must be more pronounced. To mark an article read you still must swipe from left-to-right (at least 45° to less than 135°), but also the horizontal movement of your finger must be significantly longer than the vertical movement.
Twitter URLs
Twitter changed their URL scheme and it broke some of the links in feeds when shown in NewsRob. This should work correctly again now.