Friday, July 10, 2009

Notifications in NewsRob 2.5

There wasn't much of a response to my question if the release notes are needed. So now I keep those to a minimum and post them directly to the Android Market. I'll use the freed time to work on NewsRob instead then ;-)

This morning I released NewsRob 2.5 and I already have a couple of support requests, so maybe here is a bit of a release note helpful:

The idea behind notifications in NewsRob is to stay closely in touch with a very few selected feeds, e.g. feeds of personal friends. Those feeds get special attention now.

In NewsRob you can configure which feeds should be monitored for new articles. You do
this via the Manage Feed dialog, accessible from a feed's context menu.

When there are new articles in those feeds a notification is displayed. This notification displays
the number of new articles since you last used NewsRob. The notification goes away when you open the notification or open any activity of NewsRob.

You can configure in the settings menu if you want the notification to be accompanied by flashing your phone's LED or a vibration signal.

When opening the notification a NewsRob activity will be launched that shows all new articles in your specified folders that have been fetched since you last had started a NewsRob activity.

Posted via email from newsrob's posterous